Kruntry Krismus Slambang Klambake*It's been too long since the last time. Beulahland is brimming with Kruntry Krismus potential. Like what you say? Oh ho ho! Cheg this out:
Krismus krafts: BB gun Beer Kan Luminaries! Wal-mart Ad Paper Snowflakes! Krismus lights: Plug N' Toss!!! (See video for instruktions) Kerosene: What's a party at Beulahland without some sort of bonfire? This will also be in konjunction with attempted baking of the bricks we made at 60 Hours. Karoling: If you have an instrument & know how to play a Krismus Karol on it, bring it! Let's sing around the tree!! Knoshing: Venison treats! Krismus movie: Watch National Lampoon Krismus Vakation projekted all big and stuff! I'm sure we will able to invent an awesome game that goes along with it.... And much, much more.... * Bing Krosbyism - no actual baking of klams will take place |